GUT 2022

Welcome Message from President
The Organising Committee of GUT 2022 with the theme “New Beginning, New Science” welcomes you to join us on 19 th to 21 st August 2022 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) for the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (MSGH). This year marks a New Beginning post-pandemic, and there are many New Sciences in the field, thus the theme for GUT 2022. As we transit into the ‘old normal’ post-pandemic, we have decided to hold GUT 2022 as a fully physical meeting to enable interaction and the bonding of fellowship and camaraderie which will not be possible with a virtual event.
The scientific highlights and sessions will all be recorded and will be made available to registered participants for a limited period after the meeting. The scientific content will not only feature the latest sciences highly relevant to clinical practice but also clinical topics tailored for busy clinicians. Essentially, the programme is designed for everyone with an interest in gut health including primary care practitioners, family physicians, scientists, surgeons, general physicians and gastroenterologists. As a regular feature, the meeting also welcome submissions of high-quality research papers and authors will stand a chance to win our prestigious Young Investigator Awards. In addition, we will have our industry partners at their physical booths welcoming you to their latest offerings in innovative products and other latest information.
I hope to meet up with you in-person.
Professor Dr Lee Yeong Yeh
Organising Chair & Co-Scientific Chair
GUT 2022 & President, MSGH 2021-2022

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